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Birthday Giveaway

For the Love of Love: An Anthology of Christian Love Stories

The aim of this resource is to preserve an anthology of the love chronicles of some young Christian couples who are not ashamed to share the unfiltered version of what their journey into matrimony looked like and, by so doing, leave some insights for Christian singles to glean. Each of the stories is unique as the couples respond to the same set of questions:


• How you met 'the one'

• How you became convinced (s)he's the one

• One lesson you learnt in marriage which you didn't envisage in your courtship

• How you've managed conflict between both of you.


Altogether, the compilation shows that there is no hard-and-fast rule to define love or offer a template for all the potentialities and possibilities in a Christian marriages. In the same vein, all the stories drip of the faithfulness of God—of Love—in the affairs of  imperfect people who have chosen to make Him the centre of their lives (and marriage).


Happy reading!

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