……I’m asking GOD for one thing, only one thing: To live with him in his house my whole life long. I’ll contemplate his beauty; I’ll study at his feet. (Psalms 27:4 MSG)
…ONE THING… I don’t know how weighty it sounds in your heart that David is here asking for ONLY ONE THING from the Lord. This is obviously what matters to him the most! Really, if you were to ask of ONE THING—just one thing—what will that be?
Remember that when Jesus was going to chide the busy Martha, He said “ONE THING is needful…”
So you and I need to come to this point where we will, like David, be asking God for THIS ONE THING!
But if you are as inquisitive as myself, you will ask—but David asked for three things—not one! Is that true? Maybe. Maybe not. Because we have actually established how that the 3D-Power confers completeness and wholeness on whatever 3 things are being grouped together—making them one! Such that one can not really “be” without the other! So David actually asked for 1 THING in 3 DIMENSIONS!
…THAT I MAY DWELL IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD… That sounds so much like living in the church building forever. But that’s not what David was saying here. All the battles he fought were not fought while he was living in the church building! He did not see the naked woman bathing in the next compound while he was dwelling in the church building. So what is this thing about dwelling in God’s House?
I put it this way—you dwell in the house of God if you constantly and continuously live with an ever-fresh awareness of God’s presence wherever you are whenever it is! So while you are on the motor-bike, while you are in the lift, while you sit on the WC, while you browse on the internet, while you enter into those places that no man go with you to, that awareness of His presence is still alive! With that awareness, you won’t do wrong. With that awareness, you won’t be stranded. With that awareness, you won’t have to worry, you will rather cast all your cares upon Him…for He cares…That’s what it means to dwell in God’s house!
… TO BEHOLD THE BEAUTY OF THE LORD… In Bible language, to behold is to do more than look! To behold is to look with an expectation to see! To behold is to be able to give a description of that which you can’t physically see! It takes faith to behold!
And what are we to behold here? God’s beauty! Now, I really feel like writing. You know what? It’s been so romantically hot between me and God of late so I really can tell you something about beholding God’s beauty! Sweety, if you could just catch a glimpse of God’s beauty, it will transform your perception for life! And there is nothing hidden about this beauty, just look a little more keenly and you will see!
My 4-year-old niece caught such a glimpse recently. It was first of February earlier this year. We were on our way to the airport. The whole family was traveling to the UK. After some minutes of causing trouble in the car and asking naughty questions, my beautiful niece suddenly went mute. And a couple of minutes later, she asked a stunning question. She called her dad and said “Dad, our Father in heaven…does He make His hair?” Stupid question you will say. Or funny question if you really have a good sense of humour. Of course we all laughed at the question but she was not satisfied. She kept asking everybody in the car and nobody seemed to give her a satisfactory answer. Some other issues came up and everybody stopped talking about her question.
But hours later, while I was reliving the scene in my mind, God dropped a romantic idea about what happened into my heart! He said “your niece just caught a glimpse of my beauty that none of you had ever seen…and she wanted to be sure it was ME (God) that she saw…because she had never seen anybody with such a beautiful ‘hairdo’ all her life!” I was humbled.
You know what, The Lord is indeed beautiful. And one striking thing about His beauty is that the more you behold it, the more it robs on you and everybody around you sees it!
See this: But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit. (2 Cor 3:18)
That’s the secret! One woman sang a song that I fell in love with recently, she said:
You make my life so beautiful, And as You are, You have made me here on earth, There is nothing greater than this, That’s why I love You Forever more…
Chrs: I want more of You I want more of You, Jesus The more I know You, The more I want to know You, Jesus, more of You.
That’s what happens to anyone that has caught a glimpse of the beauty—they will always want MORE!
… TO ENQUIRE IN HIS TEMPLE… The last component of the ONE-THING—TO ENQUIRE! This is what many believers are not doing today! Let me just share some scriptures with you that will ginger your “inquisitiveness” in the things of the Spirit.
…that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him; having the eyes of your heart enlightened, THAT YE MAY KNOW what is the hope of his calling, what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe…
The basic problem of most Christians is actually IGNORANCE! They know not (Psa 82:5)! And interestingly, the Greek word rendered as “know” in Eph 1:18 quoted above is the word eidō which means “to discover!” You don’t DISCOVER until you have ENQUIRED!
Scripture was saying in Col 1:27b Christ in you, the hope of glory. The fact that Christ is in you only gives you the hope of glory…but to really get the glory, it takes an enquiring Spirit. “You are the only one who knows what is in your own mind, and God’s Spirit is the only one who knows what is in God’s mind. But God has given us his Spirit. That’s why we don’t think the same way that the people of this world think. That’s also why we can recognize the blessings that God has given us.” (1 Corinthians 2:11-12 CEV)
And “Everyone who asks will receive. Everyone who searches will find. And the door will be opened for everyone who knocks.” (Matthew 7:8 CEV).
So why don’t you get out of the grips of unbelief and begin to ask God some questions. You will be amazed he has answers for every of your questions!
So I charge you to make full-proof of the 3D-POWER God has given each and every one of us, and begin to seek for this ONE THING in THREE DIMENSIONS…and before you know it, your beauty becomes not just defined by the make-ups you use, it will be a revelation of God’s glory upon your life—UNDENIABLE!
I love you Honey.
OLA Joseph Kolawole © June 2010
Ayodeji Oladeinde likes this.
Gbemisola Oduwoleopeoluwa thank u so much kolawole, i pray that god we give u more power and wisdom
Oyeleke Mary Oluwadunsin Great! What an enlightenment. Keep radiating…
Ìbídàpò Walter Omídiórà God! I pray u never run dry of d anointing of God.thank u 4 blessing me
23 June 2010 at 10:56 via mobile · Like
Ajani Omolade I dnt knw what to say. Let me just say i want more. God bless u daddy! More annointing, inspiratn nd wisdom of expression in jesus name.
27 June 2010 at 00:19 via mobile · Like
Funke Tolani WOW this is wonderful may d lord renew ur strenth and uphold u 2 d end.KUDOS 2 u
Ehinmidu Roselyn Oluwabunmi Hunm ,now i taka a deep breath and i know this is apt and a message for this time for me. God bless and increase you on every side
Elizabeth Omowole Seun-bello My dear kola. Hope I did not miss your book launch? Actually I wanted to ask when your book launch will be? Higher hieghts
7 May at 13:37 via mobile · Like
Ola Joseph Kolawole Gbemisola Oduwoleopeoluwa: Amen… Oyeleke Mary Oluwadunsin: Amen…and you, too, Mum. @Ibidapo Walter Omidiora: Amen. Thanks for taking your time through the series! Ajani Omolade: And you’ll have more! Amen to your prayers, Dear. @Funke Tolani: Thanks! Ehinmidu Roselyn Oluwabunmi: Amen, Dear Big Sis! Elizabeth Omowole Seun-bello: Lol. One book launch is in the offing ma. I’ll keep you in the know…lol (Rgds to my dad)