Many aim at nothing; Jesus aimed at one—
The sum of His life is but a line:
“The Son of man came to seek and to save the lost”[i].
From “My time has not yet come”[ii] to “It is finished”[iii],
Nothing led Him other than His High Call.
How purposeful, the heart of my Prince!
Before He fed thousands, He was grateful—
Grateful for the problem the disciples fretfully avoided.
Before He stilled the storm, He was sleeping—
Sleeping through the storm the disciples dreaded.
He lifted His hand to heal after Peter drew his sword to scrap.
How peaceful, the heart of my Priest!
He didn’t brood or badger when He was deserted,
He didn’t blow a fuse when He was denied,
He didn’t bewray when He was deceived,
He didn’t blemish their faces when the soldiers defaced His with spittle.
He blessed and forgave; never seeking retribution.
Far from it. He was at peace.
How pleasant were His thoughts!
So pleasant, kids couldn’t refuse Him.
So good-humoured, He could find beauty in lilies;
He saw promises in problems and hope in helplessness.
He knew better the stench of the dung of our faults,
Yet, saw enough beauty in us to die for our flaws.
His heart reflected an unmatched height of spirituality.
His thoughts reflected an unrivaled depth of otherworldliness.
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me”[iv] began His first message.
Perpetually “led by the Spirit”[v] and “full of the Holy Spirit”[vi].
He returned from the desert “in the power of the Spirit”[vii].
How spiritual, the heart of my Saviour!
He took His instructions from God, led by a hand unseen.
Willing worship was His wont[viii].
Studying scripture was His sideline[ix].
He’s “often slip(ping) away to be alone to pray”[x].
That He may “(do) whatever the Father does”[xi].
How heavenly, the heart of my Healer!
Celebrated by thousands, yet content with chasteness.
Loved by women[xii], yet never accused of lust;
Contemned by His own creation, but willing to forgive in advance.
Peter identified him as a “lamb, unblemished and spotless”[xiii].
John resolved that “in him is no sin”[xiv].
The heart of Jesus was pure.
Purposeful Prince and a Peaceful Priest;
Spiritual Saviour and a Heavenly Healer;
His thoughts were pleasant.
His heart was pure.
His heart was spiritual;
Yea, The Pattern Heart!
His is a purposeful heart; ours is often perturbed.
His is pure; ours is a great deal perversive.
His heart is peaceful; ours is easily provoked.
He is pleasant; we are peevish.
He is spiritual; we are sublunar.
If our bodies misfunction, we seek help.
Shouldn’t we do the same with our hearts?
Shouldn’t we seek aid for our sour attitudes?
Can’t we request treatment for our selfish philippics?
Of course we can. Jesus can change our hearts.
He wants us to have a heart like His.
God loves you just the way you are,
And cherishes you just the way you look…
But He refuses to leave you that way.
He wants you to be …
Can you imagine a better offer?
[i] Luke 19:10 rsv
[ii] John 2:4
[iii] John 19:30
[iv] Luke 4:18 nasb
[v] Matt. 4:1 niv
[vi] Luke 4:1 niv
[vii] Luke 4:14 niv
[viii] Luke 4:16
[ix] Luke 4:4
[x] Luke 5:16
[xi] John 5:19
[xii] Luke 8:1–3
[xiii] 1 Pet. 1:19 nasb
[xiv] 1 John 3:5 niv
Ayodeji Oladeinde, Oyeleke Mary Oluwadunsin, Osuntade Victoria and 2 others like this.
Oyedokun Bolanle DeborahHis love is unmeasurable
4 June at 12:51 via Mobile · Like
Ola Joseph KolawoleExactly the point…and THAT’s our Standard!
4 June at 13:11 via Mobile · Like
Oyedokun Bolanle DeborahMay he engrace us to live up to dat standard,der4 loving sincerely n unconditionally
4 June at 14:02 via Mobile · Unlike · 1
Emmanuel Abimbola GoodwillHis love knows no boundaries. I receive grace to love for NOTHING. Thank you sir. Can i get this on hard copy myself?
4 June at 14:06 via Mobile · Unlike · 1
Ola Joseph Kolawole Oyedokun Bolanle DeborahAmen and Amen. Love you, Big Sis.
4 June at 14:07 · Like
Ola Joseph Kolawole Emmanuel Abimbola GoodwillI receive grace to love for NOTHING, too in Jesus’ name! Amen! And yes sir, you can have a hard copy for yourself! In the mean time, I will mail you a copy, like NOW.
4 June at 14:09 · Like · 1
Wunmi AdeyeyeA heart like Christ’s is my desire……perfect n true! Oga,fenks for dese write ups,they are really powerful!!!
4 June at 14:25 via Mobile · Like
Ola Joseph Kolawole Wunmi AdeyeyeWe bless God jare.
4 June at 18:03 · Like
God wil keep u til d end in Jesus name Wel done
4 June at 21:55 via Mobile · Like
Ola Joseph KolawoleAmen o. Thanx Miraculous Miracle! Keep dwelling in the Miraculous:-)
4 June at 21:58 via Mobile · Like
Odunjo Abimbola Wow!!! Dis is awesome. especially loved dis part “God loves you just the way you are, And cherishes you just the way you look… But He refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be … JUST LIKE JESUS”….may God continually strenghten U̶̲̥̅̊ sir
Tuesday at 02:36 via Mobile · Like
Ola Joseph KolawoleAmen, my Dear. Trust all is well wt you¿
Tuesday at 06:34 via Mobile · Like
Odunjo AbimbolaYes sir,thank U̶̲̥̅̊. God has been faithful
Tuesday at 09:13 via Mobile · Unlike · 1
Ayanfedaodu Hardaymorlar Beloveymore……oil wil flow sir.
Tuesday at 19:39 via Mobile · Unlike · 1
Ola Joseph Kolawole Ayanfedaodu Hardaymorlar Belovey: Amen! Thank you sir. And thanks for the other day, too. I got the message and it’s duely noted sir.
about an hour ago · Like